
Showing posts from May, 2022

Shadow House by A.R. Silverberry

  Set in New Earth Johari Hightower is sentenced to Elimination for a crime he did not commit. In order to try to prove his innocence, he escapes INTO the House, a place where everyone is forced to enter at some point, but only the purest come out (and their never allowed to speak about what happens inside). Johari believes if he can escape the house, then his innocence will be accepted. However, he could never have known the horrors he will have to endure. This book is wild, creepy, and fast paced. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. Set for publication June 22, 2022, this would make an excellent summer read for all of my students-perhaps around a summer night campfire! I loved this book! -TK

Bardo by the Sea by Chad Alan Gibbs

Izzy Brown thinks she's fortunate when she receives a scholarship to Bardo Academy even though she only earns it because her star quarterback brother received one first. Once she's there, she decides to research a decades old murder of the star quarterback. What she uncovers is a dangerous secret that goes to the roots of not only Bardo Academy, but the town as a whole. Will Izzy's search for the killer end in her family's ruin or even possibly cost her her own life?  This is a page turner for sure. I loved every page and the author keeps you guessing. This is a winner for sure. Set for publication May 17, 2022, this would make a great summer read for any student! -TK  

Answers in the Pages by David Levithan

  Answers in the Pages is a book about censorship, acceptance, and learning what really matters. When Donovan is assigned a book in class that his mother finds inappropriate, he is faced with the uncomfortable situation of being directly connected to something that impacts not just his class, but the whole town! Of course there's a process to get a book banned, which his mom is set on following through on. However, Donovan just does not understand what his mom's problem is. This book will allow many students to see themselves in a book for (maybe) the very first time. In reading this, I thought of some of my students who I know would love this book. Set for publication on May 10th 2022, this is one you should definitely add to your to be read pile!