Fahrenheit 451: The Authorized Adaptation by Tim Hamilton


I remember when I read Fahrenheit 451 back in high school. I always thought the saying that 451 degrees was the temperature at which books burn was so cool. This authorized adaptation of Ray Bradbury's famous masterpiece makes this story much more accessible to younger readers. In a dystopian world where firemen don't put out fire, but use them to burn books, the reader meets Montag. Montag is a fireman but he finds himself at a crossroads when he begins to ask why books are burned? Has it always been like this? Should it stay like this? Can he live with himself and still remain a fireman?

The artwork in this book is beyond unbelievable. I loved this book so much. Kids will love it too!

There are a lot of things to love and discuss about this book. Censorship is definitely a top theme? Who should have power to censor books? Should anyone or any one group? If so, what should be censored and why? I am really excited to discuss these topics next year in the soon to be formed Ray Bradbury Club!


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